

About the firm

alnusThe word “alnus” in Latin means “alder”. An alder is a tree that can adopt itself to extremely difficult conditions of the environment. It grows on periodilly flooded territories or on uncultivated lands, poor in minerals. Following this example of nature, drawing knowledge from the experience collected for years, we know methods of survival in hard conditions of market competition. We want to share the knowledge with others and use it so that it could bring profits for our customers in form of well executed projects. We are not afraid of hard challenges. We are looking forward to your orders. We are consultants of the greatest of tomorrow...


We worked for many firms, both Polish and foreign ones. Our purpose is to carry out projects with maximum professionalism and on time. We do our best to execute the orders we are given in such a way that they could bring the greatest possible profit for our customers.

What we do

alnus1We offer consulting service not only for Polish but also for foreign firms. We help foreign companies to come into the Polish market with their make and their new product. On the other hand, we offer Polish firms mutual conquest of new markets behind the borders of our country. We put systems of controlling into practice in companies and we restructure firms and help the companies, which are in trouble, regain balance.  

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